Wednesday, July 17, 2013

9 months

Corbin has officially been an outside baby for as long as he was an inside baby! Adam said "ohhh but it seemed like you were pregnant for much longer." Ha!!!! Not going to lie...I'm not a very good pregnant person. Anyway, lets get to the little guy...

Weight - 19 lbs 1.6 oz (25th percentile)
Height - 28 1/4 (50th percentile) 
Diapers - size 3 still 
Clothes - 6-9, 9, some 12 month.
Food - formula + people food. Still loving avocados! He likes egg whites, sweet potatoes, apple, cucumber, far he's not our picky eater. Hopefully he won't be!
Sleep - he's down to 2 naps/day. Still waking up at night...the magic time has been 3. 
Dislikes - having diaper changed, big brother being mean, not being able to go outside, hair washed, having something taken away from him, when dad and Colton are outside. 
Misc - standing unassisted, walking along furniture, playing chase, banging toys together. He's obsessed with his dad!! Likes to sleep on his stomach. He's a very active little guy! He's into absolutely everything!! 

I can't believe he will be ONE in 3 months! And Colton will be 3! That is nuts to me!! Time goes absolutely so fast but I am SO glad and lucky to spend every day with both of them! Right now, I have to watch Colton around Corbin because he's kind of mean to him. He has sweet moments too. Hopefully that will subside soon because Corbin loves his big brother and wants to play with him so badly!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

28th birthday

This past Tuesday, I turned 28. 28. Why does 28 seem SO much older than 27? I'm not the only one that feels like friends all said the same. But the thought of 30 doesn't sound a lot older. Weird. Anyway...we had a pretty normal day. Breakfast, cleaned, picked up yummy chick-fil-a for lunch, headed to my moms to swim, nap time for boys, dinner and bed. Adam happened to forget his phone was in his swim trunks, got in the pool and swam for about 10 min before realizing.... 😖 We tried putting it in rice until the next day to see if that would work...nope. Thankfully, we have protection and he's getting a new replacement free of charge. Just waiting on it to come in. Right now he has a loaner. 

Anyway, Thursday afternoon, my mom and sister came over to watch the boys and we went to lunch together. We went to the Mont...yum! Haven't been there in FAR too long!! It was a nice little outting, just the two of us. All in all, I had a great birthday! 27 was a wonderful year that brought our sweet Corbin. Can't wait to see what 28 brings! 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

4th of July

Adam worked again this 4th, so we went up to see him in the afternoon. Colton was all about sitting in the fire trucks and seeing the lights. Corbin got to sit in the fire truck too. They had fun while we were there, of course!! 

When we left, we headed to one of my friends, parents house for a pool party/cook out. Rachel and I have been friends since 7th grade. We lived together for a bit in college, we're both married and we both have kids now. She has a little girl that will be 1 soon. 

Colton and Corbin had a blast playing on the big water slide, playing in the pool, and playing with other kids. We got home after 7 and I was exhausted! I had debated on whether or not to take them to see fireworks, but they were both tired too. Just as we were about to go to bed, I saw fireworks out our kitchen window. So we went out back and I showed Colton. I quickly realized, they were coming from the streets surrounding ours. So we headed to the driveway to watch. They were going off in every direction. Colton couldn't turn fast enough to see them all. He was in awe and loved them!!! Corbin fell asleep on my chest while we were outside. I had to drag Colton inside so we could go to sleep. He LOVES the fireworks!! We had a great 4th, but hopefully next year, dad will be home!!!