Sunday, March 31, 2013


Yesterday, my sweet husband turned 31. We decided to celebrate on Thursday though (it was the best time for babysitters 😁). He got his gift Thursday morning, only because I was excited for him to open it. Otherwise, I'm sure he would've waited until yesterday. Then that evening, we went to dinner. We went to a restaurant by our house, called Hollies Flatiron Steakhouse. We both thought the food was yummy! I really enjoy our date nights, even if they are for only a couple hours each. It's just nice to have time together without the kiddos. Especially because its really hard to go out to eat with the boys. We really don't do it much anymore. It's was a great time though!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


This past Saturday, I had a little reunion with some high school friends. I talk to Rachel quite often and she has a little girl that's 8 months old. However, Amy, I haven't seen since Rachel's wedding in June of 2009. Amy moved to Nebraska our senior year of high school. So Amy was in town for the weekend visiting her parents.

So Saturday evening, Rachel had us over to her house. Adam, the boys and I headed over there. Amy and her little girl came and we hung out with Rachel and John and little Annabelle. We let the kiddos play and we all chatted. Adam and John decided they had enough of our girl talk, so they went to watch basketball. Amy, Rachel and I talked and talked and it felt like we had never been apart. Also, this night, there was a Norman High v Norman North alumni football game. So around 830, Adam took the boys home and Amy, Rachel and I went to the game. A little walk down memory lane. It was SO cold outside though!!! However, that didn't stop us from having fun. After the game, we went back to Rachel's and talked some more. About 11:00 we were all beat. I was joking saying that we must be old to be tired at 11:00. I guess that's what happens when you have kids and have responsibilities. Ha! It was seriously so much fun to hang out with them!! We both miss Amy and of course tried talking her into moving back. I don't think it worked though.

Rachel and I have said we need to hang out so much more! I mean, she lives pretty close. We keep making plans to get together, but stuff always comes up. Not happening anymore! It was a great time and I hope Amy comes back for our 10 year reunion in July or August.

Weekend visitors

Not this past weekend but the weekend before, our friends from Wisconsin came down. They got here Thursday evening and they just so happen to pick the best few days to be here because of the weather!!

They got here Thursday evening and we ordered pizza and hung out. Friday, Adam, Matt and Jamie had a tee time at 1:00. Adam hasn't golfed in 4-5 years and Matt and Jamie golf kind of frequently. So while they golfed, I took the two little guys and Kirby and Lacy to the zoo. I knew before going, it would be packed because it was the Friday of spring break and the weather was gorgeous! Ohhh it was packed!!! And walking around with that many people and pushing a stroller, it got hot quick. It was in the 80s though. We stayed for about an hour 1/2 and the boys were getting tired and their little cheeks were red. We left and grabbed a late lunch, at sonic. Lacy and Kirby had never been to a sonic. They don't have those up there. The guys got home a couple hours later and we grilled out.

Saturday, they all wanted to go to the Oklahoma City Memorial Museum. Adam has been a handful of times but I had never been. I was young when it happened but I remember everything on the news. At the time, I didn't understand the magnitude of what had happened. But now, I obviously completely know what happened. I had never been because I knew it would be hard to see all of that. We had a late breakfast and headed to the city. When we started walking up, I was overcome with emotion. We walked outside and looking at all the chairs, my eyes kept watering. We then went inside to the museum. There are 3 floors and you start at the third and make your way down. We got up to the third floor and started looking and my eyes just kept watering. I never let myself cry. Knowing that little kids in day care lost their lives really hits me. I can't even in my wildest dreams imagine losing one of my kids. Seeing the pictures of all their sweet faces was so sad. Of course, knowing many more people lost their lives is so sad as well! The boys started getting antsy, so we quickly walked through and waited for everyone else outside. The museum is put together very well. I love that the proceeds from the memorial marathon go to the museum. In 2011 when I ran in it, it was so amazing to see people running and they had a bib saying "running in memory of...". I really enjoyed running with thousands of people. It was such a great experience and I knew I wanted to do it again this year. A couple days later, I signed up to run the 5k.

Anyway...back to the weekend. After we left the memorial, we took them to S&N burger. Ohhhh yum!!!!! This place is so good!!!! After that, we came home and we hung out outside because it was such a nice day. We played corn hole, as some people call it. That evening, we had a pretty strong cold front come through, so we came inside and just had sandwiches and queso since we had such a big and late lunch.

Sunday morning, they took off to head back to Wisconsin around 945. It was a short trip but we all had a good time. We were so glad that they came down to see us and hang out! Colton was so sad to see them leave. He still asks where Matt and Jamie are, even a week later.

Hopefully we will get to see them all again when we go to Wisconsin over Memorial Day weekend. We had a great time and hope they did too!!
I wish I had taken more pictures though.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

5 months

I know I'm a week and a couple days late, but the wee one is now 5 months old!! Here's a little break down:

Weight: approx 16 pounds
Height: ?
Diapers: still in size 2
Clothes: mostly 3-6. He wears 6 months clothes but they're a little big still. He's an in between-er right now.
Sleep: still sleeping 10-11 broken hours at night. Getting up, avg of twice to eat. 4 naps during the day ranging from 30 min to an hour 1/2.
Eating: still nursing. He went through a little period where he just wanted a bottle, but now he's back to nursing pretty well. He does get distracted easily which makes it frustrating.
Misc: He is rolling from back to stomach. Yay!!! We're also working on sitting up. He's soooo close!! He can do it for about 15-30 seconds before he falls over. Those are the two big things going on. We got down Colton's old jumper thing and he loves to play in it. He hasn't quite figured out how to jump yet. We also started him on baby food. He had a hard time getting the hang of it but he does really well now and opens his mouth just waiting for the next bite. So far we're doing only veggies until we've gone through all of them. Probably in a few weeks, we'll add fruits too. He still loves to watch his big brother!!

Colton really interacts with Corbin now. They play on the floor together. When Colton is upset, sometimes Corbin will cry too. When Corbin cries, Colton will ask what's wrong. He still calls him baby. He can't quite say Corbin yet. They like to be in the stroller together and Colton makes sure Corbin is in the car when we leave. Ha!!

Time is going so fast but it feels like he's been with us forever. We love him so much!!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

More great days

Last Wednesday and Thursday were gorgeous and warmer than Tuesday. Of course we took full advantage...park, walks and playing outside. Colton can go up the big slide by hisself and he loves it. He also loves his blue sunglasses. He thinks he looks so cool! Haha! They're adorable!

Thursday, we had visitors coming for the weekend. That will be in another post. But Wednesday and Thursday, we had a blast in our tshirts and shorts! Warm weather for mid march but it was great!! Too bad we have cold wet weather coming this week and a possibility if snow?! Oklahoma never get used to it no matter how long you live here.

Zoo trip

I have a lot of blogging to get caught up on. First off, last week, we had some amazing weather!!! Lets see...last Tuesday morning, I went to the gym and it was so nice out, I decided when I got home, we needed to take the boys somewhere outside. So I got home, told Adam I wanted to do something outside and he suggested the zoo. I have not seen Colton so excited to do something in a LONG time!! He was trying to put his clothes on and he hates wearing clothes! He was squeeling and talking about the animals at the zoo. Oh he was so excited!!

It was a little chilly, so we had a blanket for Corbin and a sweatshirt for Colton. We walked around and it was the perfect day to be there! Absolutely great weather and no crowds at all!! We went to the elephant show, which we had never been to and Colton LOVED it!! The baby elephant (2 yrs old) and the adult (17), showed us tricks and the crowed clapped for them. Colton talks about them dancing and us clapping. We saw a bunch of animals and stayed about an hour 1/2.

The boys both love their stroller. Corbin doesn't make a peep when he's in it. They both love the outdoors. I can't wait until Corbin is old enough to enjoy the zoo as well. We are renewing our zoo pass and it's so worth it!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

First Ride

Yesterday was really nice!! Mid 50s and light wind, so we decided to take the boys for a walk in their new stroller. Colton liked the stroller and loved sitting next to his brother. Corbin sat there taking everything in and didn't make a peep. They both had a great time!! And I love how easy it is to maneuver and it's so lightweight! I foresee many many walks in our future!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Busy weekend

Friday morning, I took Colton to the Science Museum with our neighbor. Colton and Luke had a blast exploring and tumbling around!! I really should get a pass because I see us going a lot.

Saturday evening, I had my first race since being pregnant and having Corbin! It was just a fun run, so it wasn't timed. But it was the Glow Run 5k. I ended up running with my old coworkers. The race started at 7, but they didn't start until 7:15 AND there was 4,000 people and only let 500 people go at a time. But it was so fun seeing everyone dressed up in bright colored clothes, glow necklaces, hats, etc. They had black lights throughout the course so everyone would glow evening. It was really fun and I got bit by the race bug once again. I can't wait to sign up for more races!! That night, I came home and looked up dates of other races. I have a few in mind!

We also had a birthday party for one of Colton's little friends! Which, Colton had a blast at!!!

We had a great weekend!! Today is a cold day, but it looks like the rest of the week will be really nice! Hopefully we can get outside and play!