Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Day

When we woke up on Christmas Day, it was sleeting. Colton and Corbin got their gifts from us and Santa, then we headed over to my moms.

We got to my moms and started passing out gifts. Colton got a Buzz and Woody from my mom and Don, which he was so excited about! He wanted Buzz to fly so he lifted him over his head and threw him. After the second time of him doing that, his arm broke off. Poor Colton just wanted him to fly. But he still loves him and plays with him.

After opening gifts, we had breakfast. My moms made a yummy breakfast casserole and another thing that I can't honk of what it's called right now, but it was good too! After that, we came back home so we could get ready for Christmas lunch, which was also at my moms. This year, I was just in charge of the salad. So we got ready, made the salad and went back over. The roads were a little more slick this time and it was actually snowing! A white Christmas!! This doesn't happen very of the around here.

One of my aunts didn't come because of the weather and she had a 2 hour drive from her house. So my other aunt, grandma and the rest of the family got together at my moms for lunch. TONS of food!!! The usual holiday spread.

After lunch, we relaxed a bit, then came home to get the boys down for a nap. It had been a busy couple of days so far, but we weren't done yet! That night we just hung out at home and didn't do anything.

I am so very happy that Adam didn't have to work though! It was a great Christmas and having Corbin here made it so much better! The next day we were headed BACK to Henryetta! More to come on that...

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is always spent at my grandmas (Nene) house in Henryetta. This is with my dads side of the family.

We woke up that morning, got ready and headed to Henryetta. When we got there, Coby and Nene were hard at work making cookies. This was the first time coby had seen Corbin, but since she was making cookies, so couldn't stop to hold him. Plus he was asleep, so we left him in his carrier until he woke up.

Pretty much, all day, we hung out with Coby, Sami, Chase, John (Sami's boyfriend), my dad, Mayson, nene and pa. We caught up on life and laughed abd had fun! Sami and John made buffalo chicken dip for the evening and I made crab stuffed mushrooms. About 6:00 that evening, my aunt and other cousins arrived, so it was time to eat! We had a big pot of chili and tons of appetizers. My grandma used 15 pounds of meat for the chili 😳 that's A LOT of chili!! Afterwards, it was time for presents. I honestly had never seen so many presents in one place. It was out of control!

By the time we started opening presents, Colton had been so tired (due to lack of a nap), but got excited again when we were opening! He doesn't really like to OPEN them, but he loves to play with the toys. Both boys were very blessed this year! We came home with a ton of stuff for them!! After opening gifts, we stayed to hang out for a bit. By around 830, they were both exhausted, so we decided to pack up and head home. They went to sleep pretty quick once we got in the car.

Colton doesn't quite understand the concept of Santa, but little did he know, we had another big day ahead of us!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

It's almost Christmas!

It's finally starting to feel like Christmas around here. Friday afternoon, I picked up my cousin Sami from the airport. She is currently working a job where her training has sent her around the country for 10 weeks in each place. She's now in Utah, but will be placed at a location in February. Anyway...I picked her up and we had a little "us" time. We went to the mall (why oh why?!?) and to get a mani/pedi. I now have festive red sparkly fingers and toes.

After our mani/pedi, we came back to my house to relieve Adam. I made dinner and we had a couple glasses of wine while chatting. Her brother and twin sister, left Saturday morning like waaaaaay early, picked up her boyfriend (who is coming to OK for the first time) and drove through the night. They live in Florida, so they had a long drive ahead of them.

Saturday morning, we got up and I got the kids ready and we headed to my grandparents house in Henryetta. I was just staying for the day, but that's where her and her family always stay when they come to OK. Last night, around 9, the rest of the floridians finally made it. Sadly, I was already home. BUT we are headed the tomorrow to spend the day and do Christmas with that whole side of the family. I absolutely LOVE it!!!! So much yummy food and hanging out with family all day. My cousins are my best friends and like sisters to me. I love seeing them!

Tuesday will be spent at my moms and then Wednesday, we are headed BACK to Henryetta because my uncle and cousin can't come until Christmas night, so they will get to open their gifts and we're doing a big Christmas dinner that day. So the next 3 days are going to be filled with LOTS and LOTS of yummy food! I can't wait!!!

I'm super excited to see Colton open gifts this year! And I'm so incredibly thankful to have Corbin with us. Our family is complete and I can't wait to start making traditions.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Two Months

Mr. Corbin is 2 months old today! I've ready said it and I'm sure I'll say it plenty more...time going so fast! Here's a little update...

Weight: 12 pounds 14.4 oz (75th percentile)
Length: 23 inches (25th percentile)
Sleep: 12-14 hours per day. He's a pretty awesome night sleeper. Waking up between 2:45 and 4. Then again around 7. This is great for me!
Diapers: Size 1
Clothes: 3 month
Misc: Social smiles all the time! He coos quite a bit. Loves to be swaddled when sleeping. Likes laying on his play may and look at his toys.

Along with his 2 month check up, came shots! I hate that!! Last night was rough because he was so fussy from them. But today has been great!

I will say that I'm hugging my babies a little tighter tonight. What happened in CT today is absolutely heartbreaking and makes me sick to my stomach to think about.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Corbin has been smiling since he was almost 5 weeks. At first, it was just a half smile and he wouldn't do it very often. Then at 6 weeks he was full on smiling. NOW at 7 weeks, he will smile so big when I just talk to him and he will start cooing at me. I just LOVE it!!! I love it when he wakes up and I talk to him and get huge smiles. It melts my heart!

He will be 8 weeks tomorrow and 2 months on Friday. We go for his 2 month check up, which means shots. Yuck! When Colton would go for shots, I always scheduled it when Adam was off work so he would hold his legs and arms still whole he got them. It always makes me so sad. On Thursday, Adam works, so I will have to do that at his appt. We are going a day early, because we are leaving for Wisconsin on Friday.

Ill leave you with a picture of Corbin while we were playing on his play mat. I caught a huge smile!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mommy Time

After 7.5 weeks, I got some mommy time. I went to dinner with one of my dearest friends! Now, I was only gone for a little over 2 hours, but it was nice to be kid-less for a little bit. Adam stayed home with the little ones while I enjoyed dinner. Betsy and I have been friends for almost 11 years. In those years, we have started a few new chapters. We both got married and I've had 2 kids. One day when she has kids, I can't wait for our kids to play together. She has been such s great friend and besides Adam and my mom, she is someone I talk to everyday. I can talk to her about anything!

Our husbands are going to the Thunder game together on Friday night, so she is going to come over and hang out with me and the boys. I truly am so thankful for our friendship! And I'm glad our husbands are friends too!

I loved my evening out, but of course, I loved coming home too. Colton ran to give me a hug when I walked in the door. That boy is such a sweetheart! Maybe I need some mommy time more often :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Football Friday

Last night, my high school played in the state championship game. They've never made it this far since the school has been open, which was in the late 90s. The game was in Stillwater and I knew some people going. I debated all day about going with my family. Adam was at work, and obviously we would be taking the kids. We were checking the weather and wondering if it would be too cold for Corbin or if it would be windy or how long Colton would last. I planned on wearing Corbin in my carrier, so I knew he would be warm. I had a coat and hat for Colton, so he would be warm too. Finally, at the last minute, I decided to just go. So we loaded up in my moms car with big car seats and headed to Stillwater. To say Colton was excited, would e an understatement! He had the biggest smile on his face! Corbin fell asleep shortly after I put him in the carrier.

We had blanket and coats and the boys had warm hats on and we were set! I got to see friends that I hadn't seen in a couple years, which was great! The game however, was not so great. At half time, the other team had score 35 and North hadn't scored at all. Colton had completely run out of gas and was exhausted. He didn't nap yesterday and was too excited on the way there to sleep. So we left at half time. Both boys did amazingly well! Corbin slept the whole time and Colton did great too!

It made me so excited to take them to more sporting events. We have plans for Brewer games (in Texas) this coming year and hopefully football games. Colton already loves sports!