Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is always spent at my Nene and Pa's house in Henryetta. My cousins come from Florida and spend a week or so, we have lots of food, later in the day the rest of the family comes, we eat, we hang out and we open presents. Probably one of my favorite days of the year. Honestly, my cousins are my best friends and since they live in Florida, we don't see each other much. Once or twice a year usually, so seeing them is the best!! This year, we were super excited because Colton is older, so we thought he would love opening gifts. Well the week before Christmas, he kept trying to open them under the tree and we would tell him no. So Christmas rolls around and he wouldn't open them. Haha, oops. At least he listens ;) Anyway, it was a great day and we enjoyed every minute! Thankfully, Adam was able to be there as well. Here are some pictures from throughout the day...

Me and Coby

Playing a little football

Wagon ride with Papa

Then Joe wanted on, but that's ok, because Colton wanted off.

We played outside for a little bit with the kids. Let them play on the tractors, play with the football, run around, go for wagon rides. They loved being outside! Since it's been cold out, we haven't taken Colton out much, so he enjoyed running around. And of course Joe (our cousin), he lives in Florida, so he's outside a lot and he kept begging to go outside. So cute!

After that, we all relaxed and tried to get the little ones to go down for a nap, but that was definitely not happening. So they just played inside with everyone. Once everyone got there, it was time to eat and open presents.

Joe playing around before opening presents...

Me and Sami

After opening presents

Colton played with the paper more than anything

Love them!

Colton's gifts

Christmas Eve came and went by really fast! It was so fun being with everyone and letting the kiddos play. Colton and I are headed back to Henryetta tomorrow to spend time with our Floridian family before they leave.

I hope you all had a great Christmas Eve as well!

Stay tuned for a post about Christmas Day....

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thanksgiving week

Let's see...we returned from Wisconsin on Monday...

Tuesday evening, our friends in our neighborhood got together for a dessert feast. Everyone made a dessert and we all had little bites of everything! It was all soooo yummy! I'm sad I don't have any pictures from that night.

Wednesday evening, we went to our friends house for a "Friendsgiving."  Chris has hosted this for the past 4 years. It's so fun getting together with everyone and seeing our group "grow." When we first started doing this, there were only a couple, couples married, and 2 kids. Now, more are married or about to be and the kids have tripled.

This picture only shows some of the kiddos...there are 2 more that are not pictured. Everyone brings a side dish and Chris (or his wife), takes care of the turkey. This is like a full Thanksgiving dinner...with friends. The food is so great and the company is even better. It's so nice to catch up with everyone.

Colton and Colt, they are almost exactly a month apart. So cute!!!! They were beyond exhausted at this point.

We finally left after 11. Colton was asleep in no time. It was a great night and one of my favorites out of the year!

Thursday, of course was Thanksgiving. We had lunch at my Aunt Pam's house. Of course, more yummy food!

It's hard to believe this was Colton's 2nd Thanksgiving. After full bellies, we all left. Colton didn't have a nap that morning, so he was getting pretty tired. That evening, we headed to the lake with my family. We went over to spend a relaxing weekend at the lake. It was actually quite nice. Friday evening, we went to eat dinner at a mexican restaurant in Grove. They seriously have really good food!!! Then that night, we entertained ourselves...

It was a great week leading up to Thanksgiving and a great weekend after! I hope we end up going back more often during the "off season." But of course, I can't wait to spend the summer there as well. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family as well!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Trip to Wisconsin

Yikes, it's been a while since my last post. We've been busy around here. (I feel like I say that a lot) Anyway, after my last post, a couple days later, we went to Wisconsin. We got there Thursday afternoon and immediately went to the store to see Mary and Al (Grandma and Grandpa). Of course they were super excited to see Mr. Colton, and us too I guess ;) but let's face it, they just wanted to see the little man. As I said before, Adam went up to hunt and Colton and I hung out with everyone. Thursday afternoon/night was pretty relaxed. We were tired from the trip, so relaxing is good. We had to "baby proof" the house. We forgot a baby gate for the stairs, so we Adam came up with a little barrier.

 He looks happy, but he wanted to go up the stairs so badly and got so irritated that he wasn't able to. He was quite the little trooper and did really well on the way up. Of course, he got tired of being in the car, but after 12 hours, who doesn't? He was a worn out boy and had some catching up on sleep to do...

The next day, we went to visit Adam's Grandpa and we went to get a few items that Adam still needed for hunting, and went to Kelsey's (my sister in law) new house. Adam was like a giddy little boy on Christmas morning, waiting to go hunt! It had been 3 years since he had been with this group of guys, so to say he was excited, is an understatement. He left Friday evening with his friend Matt. I've never seen him want to leave so fast.

Saturday, Colton and I went to Kelsey's house for the morning.  Colton got to play with her boyfriend's little boys. He had a blast playing with them and with their toys!

We stayed there for a while, until Colton was exhausted, then we headed back to the house for nap time. Which ended up being nap time for me as well. That afternoon, Mary, Katie, Colton and I headed to where Adam was staying with everyone, so we "could see the deer."  Not gonna lie...I wasn't exactly excited to see dead deer...hanging...possibly skinned. Ew. But Adam wanted to show us, so we went. Yes, it was gross...I won't go into details, but I will be fine if I never see that again.

Ok, I apologize for the graphic photo. I didn't realize that was in the background. Like I said, EW! We didn't stay long, because it was pretty chilly outside. We went back home and had an amazing dinner. I will say, one of my favorite things about going up there, is the yummy food! My mother in law is a great cook! I love the food! She also, always has great dips and snack food! Seriously great!!! But on the downside...I come back with a couple lbs attached as well.

Sunday, they hosted a Packer Party. Which, of course meant, more great food! I think I seriously ate for a solid 3 hours. Just munched and munched and munched. Adam decided to come back as well. Which was good, since we were leaving that evening. We visited with family and friends some more until it was time for us to head back home.

We had a great trip! I enjoyed spending time with my in laws (without Adam for a change) and I KNOW he had a good time hunting. I'm sad we weren't able to see more friends. Hopefully we'll be up again very soon and we'll get to see everyone!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mish Mash

Yesterday Colton and I went to Henryetta to celebrate my great aunt (Colton's great great aunt) 80th birthday. My dad's whole maternal side of the family was there...except my cousins that live in Florida. It was a great time! Lots of yummy food and dessert! I had a great time catching up with everyone. Colton had a great time running around the yard and being the center of attention. He is quite the little ham now days.

Yep, that little boy knows how to throw on the big smile and to show his charm. It was a great time and I hope Net had a wonderful 80th borthday!!

So day marks the FIRST day of me being a stay-at-home mom!!! Actually I am going to work 2 half days a week until they get someone to replace me full time. Which is great, because that way, I still get to see my wonderful friends. Today I worked until noon and came home for the day. It felt wonderful to come home for the day and be with Adam and Colton. We had lunch, I went to the gym, came home and Adam went to the gym. While he was there, Colton and I played, I read to him and we watched the Lion King. He actually sat in my lap and watched a little bit of the movie. It wa so sweet! I'm so excited that I get to do this every day from now on. We had a wonderful dinner and the little guy is down for the night. He went to sleep early tonight, because I think he's teething, so he was pretty fussy.

In a few days, we are going to Wisconsin!!! Adam is going to go hunting this weekend, which he is super excited about. It's something he's been doing for a long time...except since we've been married. Well, he's been hunting, just not in Wisconsin. He's been working the past couple years, so this year, he decided to take a couple days off so we can go up there. While he's hunting, I'm going to hang out with his mom, sisters and a couple friends. I'm excited to get some girl time with them! And I know they're all excited to spend time with Colton.

We have a lot of exciting times ahead of us and I'm soooo glad to be home!!!

Neighborhood Babies

Last weekend, I went to a baby shower for another neighborhood friend. She is actually having not 1, but 2 babies! Yes, she is having twins!! That means all of us neighborhood ladies will have little ones! She is actually getting the best of both worlds...boy AND girl! We are so excited for them and so excited that Colton is going to have all of these neighborhood friends to play with.

She had such a great shower! They had amazing food, yummy punch, cute decorations, and the mommy-to-be opened a ton of gifts from her friends and family for these sweet babies that will be here before we know it.


Melissa looks amazing! She doesn't even look like she's carrying two! I love all of these ladies and I'm so glad we live so close together! Can't wait until the babies arrive!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Exciting Change

This coming Friday is my last full day at work. I'm going to do what I am most passionate about. I'm will be a full time mom. After Friday, I will be staying home with Colton and I could not be more excited! I have been back at work for almost a year exactly since I went back after he was born and it has broken my heart every week day morning when I have to leave his sweet face. Weekends haven't been long enough and Mondays always came too soon. Not only will I be home with Colton, I will also be with Adam more too. Adam has such a random schedule and it will be so nice to be home and spend time together.

It's very bitter sweet. I absolutely love the people I work with. I've made some amazing friends and also found out from working with them that I enjoy running. Who would've thought? They were there for me when I was pregnant and had so many questions. They were there the day I went into work and started having contractions, but was in denial and they told me to keep track of my time. They were there when as soon as Colton was born, waiting in the waiting room with my family. They were there when I went back to work. After the past 2 years, we have become more than co-workers and hopefully life long friends. I will miss seeing them every day. But I can always meet them at Alfredo's for lunch :)

This is a new beginning in our lives and I can't wait to start! I am very thankful for a husband who works hard and for the opportunity to get to do what I truly want to do. Colton is so much fun and I can't wait to make us breakfast in the mornings, play with him, read him books, teach him new things and just see his contagious smile all day long.

Friday, November 4, 2011


October was a big month! There were birthdays, engagements, tailgating and running. Of course, we had Colton's 1st birthday (there was a post about that on the wordpress blog). We also celebrated my Grandma's 85th birthday! Her favorite restaurant is Charlestons, so that's where we went.

So yummy! Also, that week, one of my best friends got engaged!! Sooooo excited for her! He is so good to her and I could not picture her with anyone else. I'm extremely happy for her and can't wait until the wedding (which she already has planning well underway). To celebrate, we went to Sushi Neko, we love sushi! We also went to Nova for a drink afterwards. It was such a great evening and talked all things wedding. It was nice to catch up and hear how excited she is and see her smile from ear to ear.

Jeremy did so good and surprised her! We also had another birthday celebration. My mom! We went to dinner at Othello's in Edmond. I've never been there and I loved the restaurant. It was so cute and the food was very good!

The very next morning, Matt, Mallory, Adam and I were running in a race. The Monster Dash in Norman. Of course, my friend/co-worker was running too. I'd like to say we run together, but she's pretty quick, so we start together and she waits at the finish line for me. This run was VERY COLD, but so fun, because my family was running too!

Adam finished first in just under 24 minutes, Matt was shortly after, around 27 minutes, Crystal was on his tail and Mallory and I finished a little later. I stuck with her since she hadn't ran in a long time, this was her first race and it was COLD! We finished together at 35 minutes. Not bad for her first race. Hopefully I can talk them into running more...once it warms up again. It was a fun race and it was nice to get back out there and run.

Right after the run, Adam and I hurried home, got ready and went to Stillwater to tailgate with his friends. It warmed up a little and we had such a good time! I saw a friend I hadn't seen since she got married last May, we saw Adam's old roommate and our friends Lindsay and Branden, as well as tailgating with our friends. I've been to Stillwater, but never to tailgate.

October was such a great month! A lot of wonderful memories! I think November is going to be a good month as well...it's started out well and we have plans that I'm really looking forward to.

Hopefully last month was great for you too! Have a wonderful first weekend of November. There are so many things to be thankful for!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Family Photos

We recently had our family pictures/Colton's 1 year photos taken by one of my longest friends. She recently started taking pictures and is doing amazingly well! She got a camera with some lenses for her birthday in the spring, played with it and she has got quite the eye and creativity for this. I'm so excited for her and so proud of her for what she is doing. I'll post a few of my favorites. We went to a pumpkin patch/corn maze for these photos, then came back to our house for a "cake smash" and I could not be more happy with them! I can't wait to have her do more of our photos in the future! Enjoy...

Have a wonderful evening and stay warm!