Friday, December 14, 2012

Two Months

Mr. Corbin is 2 months old today! I've ready said it and I'm sure I'll say it plenty more...time going so fast! Here's a little update...

Weight: 12 pounds 14.4 oz (75th percentile)
Length: 23 inches (25th percentile)
Sleep: 12-14 hours per day. He's a pretty awesome night sleeper. Waking up between 2:45 and 4. Then again around 7. This is great for me!
Diapers: Size 1
Clothes: 3 month
Misc: Social smiles all the time! He coos quite a bit. Loves to be swaddled when sleeping. Likes laying on his play may and look at his toys.

Along with his 2 month check up, came shots! I hate that!! Last night was rough because he was so fussy from them. But today has been great!

I will say that I'm hugging my babies a little tighter tonight. What happened in CT today is absolutely heartbreaking and makes me sick to my stomach to think about.

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